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Have you always wanted a rosary for your religious practice, or have you always been intrigued by this jewel with its strong spiritual vibrations? Whether you’re Christian (Protestant or Orthodox) or Catholic, we invite you to our religious jewelry boutique to find the jewel or jewels that will express your faith according to your aesthetic criteria.


The rosary is a piece of prayer jewelry in the form of a necklace with 5 sets of 10 beads (in plastic or more noble material like wood) commonly called “Ave”. These beads are then separated by coarse beads. Whether you use them for prayers, recitations of the Our Father, or to accompany you in reading the Bible, our collection of Christian rosaries will delight you. Your Christian rosary will in any case help you through your faith to draw closer to the Divine and explore your spirituality.


We also offer in our collection the Christian rosaries of Saint Michael Archangel also known as the angel rosary. This rosary is made up of 39 beads, including the 9 groups of beads (made up of 3 small beads). These will help you to recite your prayers and recitations and to find your way around. This rosary is also particularly useful for requesting protection from the angelic world through archangels and angels. You can buy it for yourself or for someone you’d like to protect with the highest divine powers.


This chapelet of Mary who unties knots is very often used to invoke the Virgin Mary’s help and intercession when we face the difficulties of everyday life. The novena rosary lives up to its name, as it must be prayed every day for nine days of suitable prayers, so that its prayers can reach the Virgin Mary. It’s a very commonly used rosary, and often an indispensable part of your spiritual practice. This novena rosary to Mary who unties knots is an ideal gift to give to someone who is in difficulty and for whom you wish to show your benevolence and compassion. Through this symbolic gift, the recipient of the Mary Undoing Knots rosary will feel the full weight of their faith, strengthening their bond with the entire religious community. A momentum will then act so that the person can confide in the compassionate ears of the Virgin Mary with less pain.


The Cross of the Precious Blood rosary is made up of 33 grains. Each of the grains represents one year of Jesus’ earthly life before his death followed by his resurrection. This rosary is highly symbolic, for it alone honors Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross to spare humanity. It’s a rosary that allows us to share in Jesus’ sufferings, and to sympathize with them, reminding us that his sacrifice was not in vain. Each bead also allows us to identify the recitation of the “Our Father” 33 times, while others use it to pray differently according to their sensibilities. It’s a rosary with value: it helps us to have the faith to deal with our own sorrows, and to entrust ourselves to good ears or to higher divine authorities. We’re not alone. We’re never alone. This rosary then helps us to hold on in particularly trying times.


This rosary is in turn made up of 5 times 5 beads. It therefore comes as a perfect echo to the 5 wounds of Jesus Christ. It can be prayed with the traditional Christian rosary, or with the Rosary of the Precious Blood. As its name suggests, the 5 wounds of Jesus are worn on his hands, feet and right flank (pierced then by the Lance during his crucifixion).We are fortunate to be able to honor the Christian rosaries of the 5 wounds of Jesus thanks to Sister Marie Marthe Chambon.


This is a prayer that Jesus entrusted to Sister Faustina precisely on September 13, 1935 in Vilnius (Lithuania). By this means, Jesus could grant his mercy, including eternal salvation at the hour of death, to those who practiced this prayer. Religious practice dictates that it is best to recite the appropriate prayer at 3pm, the hour of Jesus’ death. This is the “propitious” moment to commune with Jesus. This prayer is generally said on Fridays at 3pm, and can be prayed as a novena to the Divine Mercy.


The dizainier is the essential piece of jewelry because it’s so easy to carry around and is intended to be particularly discreet. The Cross then becomes the place to recite an Our Father before we spot on each ball a recitation of Hail Mary. As the name suggests, the 10 grains represent the prayer of the Virgin Mary, and the little cross separates them. You can take it directly with you, slipping it into your bag or pocket. Traditionally, you’ll find it in the form of wooden beads. Traditionally, you’ll find it in the form of wooden beads, but we offer a collection of dizainier cross rosaries in different metals: gold-plated, silver-plated, silver.

Would you like to find out more about each of our products? Each of our items is described both in terms of the jewel itself and the material used. So, whether it’s gold-plated, silver-plated, steel or 925 sterling silver, everything is specifically tracked to help you make your choice.